Book review : SPELL OF THE TIGER- The Man-eaters of Sundarbans
Just finished reading "SPELL OF THE TIGER--- The Man-eaters of
Sundarbans" a 1995 non-fiction book by Sy Montgomery(wikipedia link)-
an american writer praised for her previous book "walking with the
great Apes" (goodreads link) by The Chicago Tribune as a 'sensitive
and revealing contribution to the legend of unique scientific
The book (isbn/link) a 230 pages paperback, chronicles the author's 3
trips into the Sundarbans, where unlike any other place on the Earth,
the Tigers hunt Humans. While trying to study the interaction between
the Man, the Tiger and the Nature, the author also came face to face
with the harsh reality of the socio-cultural situation of those people
living in the fringes of the mangrove forests, trying to earn their
livelyhood from the various gifts strewn in the lap of mother nature.
She has managed, and I would say praisefully managed, to take the
reader into a virtual tour to one of the strangest pl...