Movie review: Queen of Katwe: a moving tale of hope and perseverence

QUEEN OF KATWE (2016) “In chess, the small one can become the big one. That’s why I like it.” Directed by the talented Mira Nair famous for "The Namesake", "Salaam Bombay!" and "Monsoon Wedding", "Queen of Katwe" is a moving tale of how hard work and determination can literally bring a person from lives of struggle to life of glory. Just Like the Phenomenon called "Promoting" in the game of Chess, in which the Pawn, if it can reach to the last row of the opposite side of the board can be promoted to the rank of Queen. Phiona Mutesi, who calls this manoeuvre "Queening" is in full rights to attain this honour. The film features the story of a 10 year girl living in the slums of Katwe, Kampala, Uganda, who while selling Maize on the streets to support her family starts taking an interest in chess, and with her guide Robert Katende's strong determination beats all odds to become the youngest international chess cha...