Book review: The Watchmaker
Just finished reading 'THE WATCHMAKER' a moving tale of love, respect and melancholy. The original work aptly titled 'pavitra paapi' describes the life of a man who's taken the support of lies to do the godliest deed of preserving the ruth. A must read. This book, a small 180 page paperback, caught my attention while strolling in the Second Amdavad National Book Fair, and I decided to buy it as soon as I read the description on the back cover. " Kedar, orphaned and penniless, comes to Rawalpindi in search of a job. He finds employment as a watchmaker,but discovers, to his horror, that he has taken away Panna Lal's job, whose debts are mountins by the day................" on the very first day of this job, a deadly curse falls on his head from the wrenched heart of this Pannalal who confesses in his letter that he has not left him any option than to die. With this letter...