
Showing posts from April, 2015


Exactly 20 months of hiatus from this Blogspot . And now I am returning with a piece thought over a period of say 12-15 minutes. Started with a single word 'Existence' and going on typing whatever comes to my mind. Something like a conscious dream sequence, this thing has another trivia attached to it. That it is being typed while lying in the same hospital cabin I occupied 20 months ago, probably the illness has some trophic effect on my neurons, or is this day-ful of plain nothingness that jolts my thought from the depth of slumber to make me commit them to paper.(or blog- as the case is.) As usual. Shittiness in Editing and typing would be ecpexted. And poverty of the content should be more or less suspected. But here it is...... The irregular ranting of an irrelevant thinker . ( Literally !) "EXISTENCE" Rather than contemplating over our existence in this materialistic world why can we just not shut up and enjoy being here, right in the moment, relis...