Exactly 20 months of hiatus from this Blogspot. And now I am returning with a piece thought over a period of say 12-15 minutes. Started with a single word 'Existence' and going on typing whatever comes to my mind. Something like a conscious dream sequence, this thing has another trivia attached to it. That it is being typed while lying in the same hospital cabin I occupied 20 months ago, probably the illness has some trophic effect on my neurons, or is this day-ful of plain nothingness that jolts my thought from the depth of slumber to make me commit them to paper.(or blog- as the case is.)
As usual. Shittiness in Editing and typing would be ecpexted. And poverty of the content should be more or less suspected. But here it is......
The irregular ranting of an irrelevant thinker. (Literally!)
The irregular ranting of an irrelevant thinker. (Literally!)
Rather than contemplating over our existence in this materialistic world why can we just not shut up and enjoy being here, right in the moment, relishing the delights, sweet or sour; that the life presents to us. I mean is it really necessary to delve deeper and deeper into thoughts? To wander into the wilderness of this endless forest, to seek some answers, the questions of whom we ourselves are yet to define clearly. Not that I am against this whole thing..... but here, when the life is bringing newer and newer presents to you each passing moment, why skip them aside in a hope to find the 'ultimate truth'?. I may not be an authority to speak on this subject, but one thing that I can definitely say Is that everything in life my friend, everything- is relative. Its never 100% black or white or good or bad or near or far.... its just 'compared to' . But yes, this are my thoughts and you're as much at your rights to disagree as much I am at my rights to write this.
So, what brings us primarily to the entrance of this deep forest that we so often wish to trespass in order to learn what we have been striving to learn the whole of our life.... Probably It is the tendency of our genomes to code for such an intricate array of proteins that code for further complex systems and end up in that higher degree of cerebral function which we commonly refer to as intellect. But frankly speaking, what is the need of this ... the need of knowing... can't we just. Simply. Be?
So, what brings us primarily to the entrance of this deep forest that we so often wish to trespass in order to learn what we have been striving to learn the whole of our life.... Probably It is the tendency of our genomes to code for such an intricate array of proteins that code for further complex systems and end up in that higher degree of cerebral function which we commonly refer to as intellect. But frankly speaking, what is the need of this ... the need of knowing... can't we just. Simply. Be?
"Be" like everything,everyone in this world is being.
Just existing, without any slightest touch of "Why am I here?" That probably is the eternal bliss. The bliss of ignorance. Or to say precisely, the bliss of inability to comprehend the ignorance. I mean are they less happy than us? By "they" I mean all these animals and birds and flowers and plants and these rocks and boulders and the streams and tho boulevards. They have never questioned their identity... Never have the fortunate souls some of our fellow humans are too lucky to harbor. Have ever they managed to wonder why are they here? And why does their heart beat exactly 72 beats per minute and not 23 or 340?
Or that why the coke they consume, does come out as yellowish white liquid ? And that what keeps their brain working even if they've gone to sleep, or high on a trip, or floating on a hash pipe....
This could be an amazing piece of research (I mean if anyone ever dares to do so ) that how come some people in this world are so happy with their sooo limited share of brains and why those poor souls who think so much are miserable at times ? And why is it so that the drunk never feels ashamed of his puking, or the Charsi of his cough? While we, the polite souls of this so called "civilized " world beg "sorry" for every sneeze... isn't it the irony? That the smoker who spreads cancer with each of his breath never feels an urge to say sorry to anyone! No even. To his damned kid ?
But then there is this whole lot of people on this green planet whose only goal in life seems to be a pain in the ass of other people... and trying to annoy the hell out of others. Probably they're the ones who maintain the neutrality of universe, by the 3rd (or was it 4th? IDK !) Law of thermodynamics that states that entropy is essential (or something to that effect)
How cool is this? The only job you do in this world is to trip the balance. To see that the things are always breaking or falling or tearing apart or being tossed one against the other? How much fun would it be ? To play with things, events, people... like a 6 month old trying to make a sense of the world by smashing and throwing every toy he can lay his hands upon? And never. Ever have I heard one of them complaining how unhappy they're that they could not manage to break this toy or that.
But this is life. You don't get to chose to stay the 6 month old the whole life. All during the process of growing up; from peeing in nappies to peeing standing up to peeing in the pants again, you realize that life or the piece of time we are allotted on this grand canvas of space time is so short to achieve everything we wish , or everything that we are expected to achieve... and this failure. The failure to achieve what one can't usually brings people to the entrance of the Deep forest we started our journey with.
This could be an amazing piece of research (I mean if anyone ever dares to do so ) that how come some people in this world are so happy with their sooo limited share of brains and why those poor souls who think so much are miserable at times ? And why is it so that the drunk never feels ashamed of his puking, or the Charsi of his cough? While we, the polite souls of this so called "civilized " world beg "sorry" for every sneeze... isn't it the irony? That the smoker who spreads cancer with each of his breath never feels an urge to say sorry to anyone! No even. To his damned kid ?
But then there is this whole lot of people on this green planet whose only goal in life seems to be a pain in the ass of other people... and trying to annoy the hell out of others. Probably they're the ones who maintain the neutrality of universe, by the 3rd (or was it 4th? IDK !) Law of thermodynamics that states that entropy is essential (or something to that effect)
How cool is this? The only job you do in this world is to trip the balance. To see that the things are always breaking or falling or tearing apart or being tossed one against the other? How much fun would it be ? To play with things, events, people... like a 6 month old trying to make a sense of the world by smashing and throwing every toy he can lay his hands upon? And never. Ever have I heard one of them complaining how unhappy they're that they could not manage to break this toy or that.
But this is life. You don't get to chose to stay the 6 month old the whole life. All during the process of growing up; from peeing in nappies to peeing standing up to peeing in the pants again, you realize that life or the piece of time we are allotted on this grand canvas of space time is so short to achieve everything we wish , or everything that we are expected to achieve... and this failure. The failure to achieve what one can't usually brings people to the entrance of the Deep forest we started our journey with.
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