
Showing posts from 2013

The Power of Dreams.

This post, conceived on the evening of 27 july 2013 was meant to be a foresight. I had known,even in the testing times of doubt and self-scrutiny, that there are chances, that I am gonna write this post.This thing, in itself is the motto behind this post. . . I remember these famous words of Shah Rukh Khan from the movie 'Om Shanti Om'. " किसी चीज को अगर पूरे दिल से चाहो, तो पूरी कायनात तुम्हे उससे मिलाने की कोशिश में जुट जाती है॥" In my case, it was the PG Seat in M.D. Pediatrics in Civil Hospital Amdavad, which I've coveted ever since I started to think about my post graduate career. The bud of this thought, as far as I can remember, blossomed first in my Final Year of MBBS, when, having seen the patients of almost all branches of Healing Sciences of that level, I started to have a bit of inkling towards Pediatrics. Before going to the main topic, I'd like a distraction though. As I am going to describe "HOW DID I GET WHAT I WANT...

Book review : SPELL OF THE TIGER- The Man-eaters of Sundarbans

Just finished reading "SPELL OF THE TIGER--- The Man-eaters of Sundarbans" a 1995 non-fiction book by Sy Montgomery(wikipedia link)- an american writer praised for her previous book "walking with the great Apes" (goodreads link) by The Chicago Tribune as a 'sensitive and revealing contribution to the legend of unique scientific sisterhood.' . The book (isbn/link) a 230 pages paperback, chronicles the author's 3 trips into the Sundarbans, where unlike any other place on the Earth, the Tigers hunt Humans. While trying to study the interaction between the Man, the Tiger and the Nature, the author also came face to face with the harsh reality of the socio-cultural situation of those people living in the fringes of the mangrove forests, trying to earn their livelyhood from the various gifts strewn in the lap of mother nature. She has managed, and I would say praisefully managed, to take the reader into a virtual tour to one of the strangest pl...

Book review: The Watchmaker

Just finished reading 'THE WATCHMAKER' a moving tale of love, respect and melancholy. The original work aptly titled 'pavitra paapi' describes the life of a man who's taken the support of lies to do the godliest deed of preserving the ruth. A must read. This book, a small 180 page paperback, caught my attention while strolling in the Second Amdavad National Book Fair, and I decided to buy it as soon as I read the description on the back cover. " Kedar, orphaned and penniless, comes to Rawalpindi in search of a job. He finds employment as a watchmaker,but discovers, to his horror, that he has taken away Panna Lal's job, whose debts are mountins by the day................" on the very first day of this job, a deadly curse falls on his head from the wrenched heart of this Pannalal who confesses in his letter that he has not left him any option than to die. With this letter...

ગઝલ - શું કરી લેશે ?

જીવનભર દોડ ભાગ કરીને, કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? નિરંતર માગમાગ કરીને, કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? ખુદા એ આ જીવન તુજને. દીધું મઘમઘતું ઉર્મિ થી એમાંયે તોલમાપ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? પરસ્પર સાથ-સંગ કરવા, દીધાં તુજને રૂડા સ્વજનો, સબંધ માં ભાવતાલ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? લલાટે લેખ લખ્યા 'તા, વિધી એ જે સૃજન સમયે , કરમ થી છેડછાડ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? લખેલો આંકડો છોડી, નથી કોડી જેની કિંમત, એ નોટો છાપ છાપ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? અહીં શતરંજના પ્યાદા, મંડાયા ખુદ ખુદા સામે, નઠારા પેચ દાવ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? થવાનું જે બદન તારું, કદીક બસ રાખ નો ઢગલો, નકામા ઠાઠ-માઠ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? જો આવ્યો છે આ દુનિયા માં, કંઇક તૂં નામ કરતો જા, ઊમર ભર રંગ-રાગ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ? જીવી લે આ જીવન હાફિઝ, હજી યૌવન ના અજવાળે, બુઢાપે રામ રામ કરીને,કહી દે શું કરી લેશે ?

The Delhi Diaries

The Delhi Diaries. I was scheduled to be interviewed by the 'short service commission' board for recruitment in the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) on 16 may 2013 at Base hospital , Delhi Cantonment. For me, who has never travelled beyond Mumbai in the south, and Mount Abu in the north, Delhi was something of a faraway, Distant place. Having heard numerous stories of its citizen's notoriety, and the series of recent heinous crimes committed there had made a gory image of the city in my mind. Plus, as usual there was this 'fear of unknown' before venturing into an unaccustomed place. For me, this trip was more of an adventure trip than an official one. Because, it has always been my wish to go on a hitch-hiking trip in an uncharted sea, trying to visit places on my own. Taking risks and getting to know the local world with my own eyes and experiences. This interview provided me with an excuse to indulge in the much longed for wish, at the same...